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A 3 Month Journey to Losing 25 Pounds: the Egg Whites and Chicken Breast Diet

A Reddit user shares his weight loss progress journey, offering insights on his diet and routine of cardio work-outs, which resulted in him losing 25 pounds in just three months.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'2" man showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 175 pounds. A respectable loss of 25 pounds.
m/23/6'2" [200lbs > 175lbs = 25lbs] (3 Months) Weight loss progress
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Reddit user gate717 shares his success story in losing 25 pounds in just 3 months. The 23-year-old 6’2” guy managed to transform his body in such a short amount of time by sticking to a strict diet and cardio workout machines.

Eating a healthier diet

Gate717 shared that he was consuming predominantly egg whites with veggies for breakfast and chicken breast with veggies for lunch and dinner. He cut out soda or juice but consumed only water. This whole foods, Meat-to-veggies, the low-carb diet helped him lost most of the weight in the first month.

Doing cardio work-outs

Gate717 worked out on cardio machines for 30-45 minutes three days a week. Although he did not do weight training, he also did some work-out routines for his abs. His routine can be found in the Reddit thread by clicking on the link provided.

Lessons to be learned

Gate717's experience shows that successful weight loss can be achieved by maintaining a healthy special diet and regular exercise routine. He gave up a diet of smoking weed, eating fast food, and drinking soda overnight and lost 1.92 pounds per week on average as a result. Comparing him now to him 3 months ago, it is clear that sticking to such lifestyle changes can make a significant impact.

This Reddit user's transformation is a testament to anyone trying to lose weight. While his method might not work for everyone, the main takeaway is that there is no secret to weight loss – it takes discipline, consistency, and perseverance. It might take a few tries but with patience and dedication, the finish line is definitely in sight.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.