65Lbs Weight Loss Journey: Redditor Achieves Impressive Transformation in 2 Years

A 22-year-old Redditor named Riakam achieved a 65lbs weight loss journey over two years, inspiring many users on r/progresspics. Through dieting and working out, he managed to showcase remarkable progress on his face, gaining a chiselled jawline along the way.

Article by Madeleine Smith

Published 2 years ago

Originally posted on /r/progresspics

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🔥 Weight Loss Progress

Starting Weight

Current Weight

BMI Change

31.2 → 22.8 8.4 point change

Riakam's Two-Year Weight Loss Journey

Riakam, a 22-year-old Redditor, shared his incredible transformation in r/progresspics. Over the last two years, he has taken a focused approach to his weight loss journey. For the first 22 months, he focused solely on his diet, losing an impressive 50lbs. In the last two months, he added exercise to his routine, losing an additional 15lbs in the process.

Impressive Progress on His Face

One of the most striking changes in Riakam's progress pictures is the transformation in his face. The weight loss journey has given him a chiselled jawline that could cut steel beams, as per a comment from one Reddit user. His face appears more defined, and he looks considerably younger than his starting pictures. His progress has been an inspiring story to many on r/progresspics, with over 687 upvotes and numerous comments.

A Healthy Approach to Dieting

Riakam said that he lost weight primarily because of his diet, which he focused on for the first two years of his weight loss journey. He didn't follow a specific diet plan; instead, he made healthier food choices and monitored his calorie intake. He advised trying things out and seeing what diet approach works best for you.

Adding Exercise to His Routine

After losing 50lbs from his diet, Riakam decided to add exercise to his routine. He focused on weightlifting, which allowed him to build muscle while losing fat. This combination helped him to achieve his final weight loss goal. However, he also advised against overexerting oneself, warning to start small and gradually build up.

In Conclusion

Riakam's story provides hope and inspiration to people who seek to achieve their weight loss goals. His journey shows that a healthy approach to diet and exercise can lead to impressive results. However, it's important to keep in mind that everyone's journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's essential to try things out for yourself and experiment until you find an approach that works best for your body and lifestyle.

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