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6 Months to a Healthier You: One Teen's Weight Loss Journey

This article follows a teenager's 40-pound weight loss journey for six months by reading their Reddit post. Tips and tricks to get started losing weight included.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight reduction from 180 pounds to 140 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
F/17/5'6" [180lbs>140lbs=~40lbs] (6 months) Stopped binging, started living.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A teenager on Reddit recently shared her impressive weight loss journey, losing 40 pounds in just six months. She cut out soda, used strict willpower to overcome binge eating, and used MyFitnessPal to track her calorie intake.

Recognizing Progress, Overcoming Plateaus

The Reddit user experienced a three-week plateau and struggled to see the changes in herself until February. A new way of thinking about herself and the recognition of all of her hard work enabled her to finally see her progress, and now she is body positive.

Handling Binges, Counting Calories

The teenager cut out soda (but not diet soda) and carefully monitored her calorie intake with MyFitnessPal. She ate less and learned to recognize that one day of overeating wouldn't undo months of hard work. Her calorie limit ranged from 1370 to 1800, and she found her sweet spot to be 1500 calories.

Health Issues, Family History

Health issues run in her family, with her mother being overweight and her grandmother being morbidly obese. High blood pressure and high cholesterol also run in her family. These health concerns motivated her to make a change in her life and focus on living a healthier lifestyle.


This teenager's weight loss journey is inspiring, and it shows that with hard work and determination, anyone can make a change in their lives. By cutting out soda, overcoming binge eating, and monitoring her calorie intake, she was able to lose 40 pounds in just six months. Her story shows that change is possible, even in the face of family history and past habits.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.