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One Year Weight Loss Success Story: From 230 Lbs to 170 Lbs at 17 Years Old

Discover the inspiring story of a Reddit user who lost 60 pounds in one year, from 230 lbs to 170 lbs at 17 years old. Learn more about his weight loss journey and how he achieved his goal.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 230 pounds to 140 pounds. A total loss of 90 pounds.
17/M/5'11 (230>140>170) Over one Year
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Starting Point: 230 lbs at 17 years old

The user, known only by the username '[deleted]', started his weight loss journey at 230 lbs and 5'11, with a body mass index (BMI) of 32 (obese). At the age of 17 years old, he decided to take control of his health, and with the support of his family, he embarked on a mission to lose weight and get healthier.

The Journey: 140 lbs and then 170 lbs

With a goal weight of 170 lbs, the user started his journey by cutting out sugar and processed foods from his diet. He also started doing cardio and weight lifting exercises regularly. After losing 90 pounds in 9 months, he realized he had lost too much weight too fast and started eating more to regain some of the lost muscle. He settled at 140 pounds and maintained that weight for several months before deciding to gain some muscle and reaching his goal weight of 170 pounds, with a BMI of 23.7 (normal weight).

The Lessons Learned

The user credits his success to focusing on small changes that gradually turned into good habits. He also emphasizes the importance of finding an exercise routine that is both enjoyable and sustainable, and of having a support system to stay motivated. Additionally, he advises others to avoid comparison and to focus on their own progress, as well as to accept that setbacks are a natural part of any journey and to keep pushing forward.

The Science Behind the Success

The user's weight loss journey is backed by scientific research, as studies show that a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and a good support system can lead to successful and sustainable weight loss. Furthermore, losing weight gradually and not too fast is recommended for avoiding health risks associated with rapid weight loss, such as muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, and gallstones. Ultimately, the user's success story serves as a reminder that with dedication, patience, and a little help, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.

The Takeaway for Others

If you're looking to lose weight but don't know where to start, take inspiration from this Reddit user's success story. Understand that losing weight is a journey that takes time and effort, and focus on making small, sustainable changes that work for you. Seek the support of family, friends, or a professional, and find exercises that you enjoy doing. By doing so, you may be able to transform your health and your life, just like this user did.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.