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M/29/5'10" Weight Loss Progress: 186Lbs to 168Lbs in a Year

One Reddit user's weight loss journey from 186lbs to 168lbs in a year, with Reddit posts as source material.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 186 pounds to 176 pounds. A respectable loss of 10 pounds.
M/29/5'10" [186lbs > 176lbs > 168lbs = 18lbs] (~1 year)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


FitnessJason is a Reddit user who shared his weight loss progress over the course of a year. His starting weight was 186lbs, and he managed to lose 18lbs within a year's time. This article serves to discuss the details of his weight loss journey.


FitnessJason aimed for 1700 calories a day and 170g protein per day. He didn't care about carbs or fat as long as it fit his calorie goals. His staple foods included cheap sushi, coffee, Mediterranean food, and teriyaki chicken from Panda Express.

Physical Activity

FitnessJason lifted weights three times a week, and his routine comprised of bench presses, deadlifts, squats, pull-ups, and ab wheels. He linked his success to the addition of hanging leg lifts and the ab wheel in his routine. Until the last two months, he did not perform any cardio except for joining a touch football team.

Patience and Discipline

FitnessJason pursued a slow and consistent approach to weight loss, aiming at a one pound per week reduction. He remained within his natural caloric limit of 2170 calories per day after reaching a plateau at 167lbs. Logging his food intake and staying within his calorie range became a part of his life, not a phase.


FitnessJason's journey is an inspiration for those individuals who are committed to losing weight without making drastic changes to their daily lives. His successful weight loss was the result of moderate and consistent diet control and a regular weightlifting routine with a minimal amount of cardio. He has demonstrated that patience and discipline can make modest weight loss a permanent part of one's lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.