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How Artwoodseed Lost 25Lbs and Improved Fitness

Read about artwoodseed's experience going from 178lbs to 153lbs through regular gym visits and improved diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" male showing a snapshot of 178 pounds at a height of 5'10
M/37/5'10" 178lbs.-->153lbs. -25lbs.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


At 5'10", 178lbs, artwoodseed was unhappy with his body. After making some big changes in his daily routine, he managed to lose 25lbs and improve his fitness.

Gym and Exercise Routine

Artwoodseed made it a goal to go to the gym 5-6 times per week. He quickly realized that keeping this routine gave him the consistency he needed in his exercise plan. His 5-6 times per week became his new normal. It also enabled him to have a balanced and well-rounded body transformation. He further integrated 3 days of weightlifting and 2-3 days of running (doing 5ks on a treadmill).

Diet Changes

One of the biggest changes that artwoodseed made was to improve his diet. He stopped drinking alcohol as much as he did. Before his transformation, He had gotten used to stopping by the store to get a 6-pack to drink while hanging out with friends. He quit that habit and started to drink more water instead. Diet was key to his transformation, and he rightly recognized that the gym sessions would be meaningless if he wasn’t mindful of his eating habits from home.

Benefits of the Transformation

Artwoodseed's transformation has not only improved his physical appearance but has also increased his confidence, boosted his mood, and energy levels. His overall mental and physical health has significantly improved, not to mention his discipline and his focus.


Artwoodseed's weight loss journey was intense and challenging, but it has also been a reason to celebrate. It shows that with small, consistent changes and a practical approach to diet and exercise, anyone can transform their physique and overall wellbeing. Whether it's going to the gym or hitting the pavement, taking control of your physical health and life is worth it. Take inspiration from his success and create your own transformation journey today!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.