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F/23/5'7" Weight Loss: User Shares Journey From 210.5 to 190.5 Lbs

Read how reddit user fatursula lost weight through the Slimming World program and see her progress from 210.5 to 190.5 lbs.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight loss from 210 pounds to 190 pounds. A net loss of 20 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight loss from 210 pounds to 190 pounds. A net loss of 20 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight loss from 210 pounds to 190 pounds. A net loss of 20 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a weight loss from 210 pounds to 190 pounds. A net loss of 20 pounds.
F/23/5'7" [210.5lb > 190.5lb = 20lb] I've actually lost 64lb but I forgot to take pictures! sort of NSFW
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Introduction: User Shares Weight Loss Journey

Reddit user fatursula shares her weight journey from 210.5 to 190.5 lbs. She lost a total of 64 lbs through the Slimming World program. While she didn't take pictures of her entire journey, she shares progress pictures that show the transformation she's made.

The Slimming World Program

Fatursula found success with the Slimming World program, which is based on food optimization and encourages the consumption of low energy-dense foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and emphasizes portion control. The program also utilizes group support and education to help individuals make healthier choices.

Struggles and Triumphs

In the comments, fatursula discusses her struggles with the last few pounds, which can be mentally challenging. However, she is encouraged by her progress thus far and the support from her Slimming World group. She also mentions the possibility of exploring different options if she reaches a plateau.

Encouragement for Others

Fatursula's progress pictures and journey provide motivation for others who may be on a weight loss journey themselves. She reminds people to keep pushing, stating that weight loss is difficult, but achievable, and that everyone's journey is unique. She also expresses gratitude for the support from the Reddit community.

Conclusion: Weight Loss is Achievable

Fatursula's weight loss journey demonstrates that with the right support and program, weight loss is achievable. Her success with the Slimming World program also emphasizes the importance of healthy food choices and portion control. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, but with dedication, weight loss goals can be reached.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.