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Reddit User's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey: F/20/5'2" [155Lbs > 120Lbs = 35Lbs] (9 Months)

Follow a Reddit user's weight loss journey, find out about her routine, diet and success tips in this inspiring article.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight loss from 155 pounds to 120 pounds. A respectable loss of 35 pounds.
F/20/5'2" [155lbs > 120lbs = 35lbs] (9 months)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging and tedious task. However, when done with the right mindset, dedication and patience, it can lead to significant changes. We found a Reddit user who shared her weight loss journey and got inspired to share it with you.

Overview of the Journey

The Reddit user, 'Un_Petit_Renard,' who is 20 years old, 5'2", started on a weight loss journey at 155 lbs and lost 35 lbs in 9 months. Her journey was inspiring to many as Reddit users upvoted her post 293 times.

Exercise Routine

The user emphasized that a big lifestyle change was the key to her success, not her physical activity. Despite that, she typically worked out 3 times a week, mostly focusing on weightlifting and strength training. She only started incorporating cardio during her rest days to boost her weight loss progress.

Diet Plan

For the first picture, she was cutting her calories at 1200 a day, but during the second picture, she was in the middle of a reverse diet or lean bulk to improve her metabolic rate and set it at 1800. During the cutting period, she preferred either eating three 400 calorie meals or snacking throughout the day. She also suggested frozen grapes and rice vinegar-soaked cucumber slices as low calorie snacks.

Success Tips

The Reddit user recommends drinking water and coffee with a touch of creamer to pass the time until meals, eating small and frequent meals throughout the day, and finding substitutes for high-calorie foods. She encourages people to try things out for themselves and make a big lifestyle change to achieve their weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.