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A Slow and Steady Beach Season Cut: M/23/6'2''/220>195 in 3 Months

Read about a Reddit user's successful weight loss journey, shedding 25 pounds in 3 months with a slow and steady approach.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'2" man showing a fat loss from 220 pounds to 195 pounds. A total loss of 25 pounds.
M/23/6'2"/220>195 (3 months). Slow and steady beach season cut.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but with persistence and determination, it is possible to achieve your goals. Reddit user [deleted], a 23-year-old male who is 6'2'' tall, recently shared his impressive transformation story with the online community.

Slow and steady approach

According to the Reddit post, the user managed to shed 25 pounds in just 3 months, going from 220 down to 195. What makes this journey even more remarkable is that it was achieved through a slow and steady approach, with no crash diets or extreme exercise regimes involved. Rather than depriving himself of certain foods, the user simply made smarter choices and kept track of his calorie intake.

Commitment to consistency

The key to success, according to the user, is commitment to consistency. While some days were harder than others, he made a conscious effort to stay on track and maintain his healthy habits. He also emphasized the importance of allowing yourself to indulge every once in a while, as long as it doesn't become the norm.

Inspiration for others

The user's weight loss journey serves as a source of inspiration for anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. It goes to show that there is no need to take extreme measures to achieve your goals – small, consistent steps can lead to significant results over time. By focusing on long-term health and well-being rather than quick fixes, anyone can transform their body and their mindset.

Final thoughts

While everyone's weight loss journey is unique, there are universal principles that can be applied to achieve success. The Reddit user's story highlights the power of consistency, moderation, and self-discipline. By adopting a similar approach and making sustainable changes to your lifestyle, you too can achieve your weight loss goals and become a healthier and happier version of yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.