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Teenage Male's Two Year Weight Loss Journey

Follow the weight loss journey of a 17-year-old male as he shares his progress and tips on Reddit.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'7" male showing a weight gain from 182 pounds to 190 pounds. A respectable gain of 8 pounds.
M/17/5'7" [182>190] 2 year progress
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The weight loss journey can be a difficult one, especially for teenagers. This Reddit user, a 17-year-old male, shares his two-year progress in losing weight and achieving his goals.

Starting Point

When he first began his journey, he weighed 182 pounds at 5'7". He struggled with overeating and not exercising enough. He decided to take control and make a change.

Two-Year Progress

Fast forward two years, and this user now weighs 190 pounds. While the weight gain may seem daunting, it is important to note that he has gained muscle mass and overall looks more toned and fit than before. He accomplished this through a combination of weightlifting and cardio exercises, as well as counting calories and practicing portion control.

Tips and Advice

This user's journey provides valuable advice for others looking to lose weight. He stresses the importance of consistency and perseverance, as well as finding a workout routine and diet plan that work for your individual needs. He also reminds others to be kind to themselves, as weight loss is a gradual process and setbacks will happen. Overall, his progress serves as a reminder that with dedication and hard work, it is possible to achieve your goals.


If you are looking to begin your own weight loss journey, take inspiration from this user's story. Remember to prioritize your health and well-being, and find a support system of friends and loved ones to help you along the way. With effort and commitment, you too can achieve your weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.