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M/25/6' [265 > 190 = 75] (6 Mo) Weight Loss Journey

A man shares his weight loss journey through calorie counting and plans to incorporate running to reach his goal weight of 140-150 lbs and bulk up with lifting.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight reduction from 265 pounds to 190 pounds. A net loss of 75 pounds.
M/25/6' [265 > 190 = 75] (6 mo) Face comparison
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Quick Weight Loss through Calorie Counting

KinoftheFlames, a 25-year-old man, shared his impressive six-month weight loss journey on Reddit. Under the username KinoftheFlames, he showcased his progress with a side-by-side comparison of his face at 265 lbs and 190 lbs. He attributes his weight loss success to his strategy of calorie counting. Instead of following a restrictive diet, calorie counting allowed him to enjoy his favorite foods within reasonable limits while still losing weight consistently.

Plans to Incorporate Running

KinoftheFlames has future plans to incorporate running into his routine to aid in his weight loss goals. Exercise combined with calorie counting can help individuals achieve their desired weight faster than only focusing on calorie restriction. Running is a great cardiovascular exercise for individuals looking to burn calories and enhance overall fitness.

Goal Weight and Muscle Gains

KinoftheFlames' ultimate goal weight is 140-150 lbs at around 10% body fat. He plans to achieve this through a combination of exercise and consistent calorie counting. Once he reaches his goal weight, he hopes to bulk up with lifting. This transition from weight loss to muscle gain is common among individuals looking to build muscle while maintaining a lean physique.

Small Changes Lead to Success

KinoftheFlames' weight loss journey shows that small changes can lead to significant results. By simply tracking his calorie intake and consistently staying within his limit, he was able to lose 75 lbs in just six months. His journey also highlights the importance of having a plan and goals to keep individuals on track and motivated.

Try Things Out for Yourself

Every individual's weight loss journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. However, KinoftheFlames' success can serve as inspiration to others trying to achieve their weight loss goals. By incorporating small changes, setting achievable goals, and finding a strategy that works for you, anyone can unlock their potential for success.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.