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F/19/5'7", [192 > 180 = 12 Lb.] (1.5 Months) Weight Journey Showcase

Follow one user's 5'7" weight loss journey from 192 lbs to 180 lbs over the course of 1.5 months.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'7" female showing a weight loss from 192 pounds to 180 pounds. A net loss of 12 pounds.
F/19/5'7", [192 > 180 = 12 lb.] (1.5 months) Excited for what's to come : )
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


For many people, weight loss is a difficult journey with plenty of ups and downs. However, one Reddit user by the username of amandaisacat has made significant progress in just a month and a half. After losing 12lbs, 5'7" amandaisacat is excited for her weight loss journey and what's to come. Her post on the subreddit, r/progresspics received 426 upvotes and multiple comments from other users seeking advice and expressing support.

Diet and Exercise

To lose the 12lbs, amandaisacat made a few significant lifestyle changes. Firstly, she cut all fast food (with the exception of grilled chicken) and unnecessary carbs that weren't brown rice. Additionally, she started going to the gym four times a week with two cardio days, and an arm and leg day. Weight training played a vital role in her weight loss journey. Lastly, she explains how she simply did what felt right without trying excessively hard. As a result of these changes, amandaisacat has found that whenever she eats bad food, she becomes sick. Consequently, this makes her deter from it and prefer healthy options. She still allows herself to indulge once in a while.


The supportive comments on amandaisacat's Reddit post are encouraging. Many users have congratulated and encouraged amandaisacat to persist in her journey. One user that goes by the name, CajunJosh, has particularly offered excellent support by motivating amandaisacat to keep going. The community on Reddit can provide a great way to keep your spirits up while trying to lose weight.

What to Take From This

Amadaisacat's journey teaches us that small lifestyle changes can have a significant impact when it comes to weight loss. She was able to lose 12 pounds in 1.5 months by making small changes to her eating habits and going to the gym only four times a week. This simple and moderately attainable approach to weight loss can be very effective without making you feel overwhelmed. Remember, it's critical to be patient with ourselves and work consistently towards our goals.


Amandaisacat's weight loss journey is impressive and proves that a few lifestyle changes and consistency can lead to significant progress. Amadaisacat has shown us that there's no shortcut or secret to weight loss. It's all about making the right choices and sticking to them. Remember, everyone's journey is different, and it's essential to do what feels right for one's body.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.