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M/18/6'0" Weight Loss Journey: 65Lbs in 12 Months

Read about GottaRiskIt's weight loss journey and the milestones he achieved in the past year.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 260 pounds to 195 pounds. A respectable loss of 65 pounds.
M/18/6'0" [260lbs > 195lbs = 65lbs] (12 Months) I've been waiting until my one year anniversary to post my progress, and I'm pretty proud!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


GottaRiskIt took to Reddit to share his weight loss journey of 65lbs in 12 months. The journey was spurred by his desire to be able to do activities he loves, such as scuba diving and adventuring.

I've been waiting for this moment

GottaRiskIt had been waiting for his one year anniversary to post his progress on Reddit, and received 54 upvotes and a number of supportive comments. His progress pictures showed the significant changes he had gone through in the past year.

The importance of ICF

GottaRiskIt started doing ICF (Ice Cream Fitness) about 3-4 weeks ago and saw tremendous progress compared to the bro-split he was doing previously. When asked, he shared that he was aiming to be around 175lbs in late April. His overall body goals include becoming physically capable of all activities and having some visible abs.

2014, a year of ups and downs

GottaRiskIt described his 2014 as a year of wonderful and terrible memories. He shared that the weight loss journey helped him regain control of his life during those tough times. The journey showed him that working towards his personal goals and achievements was worth it.


GottaRiskIt's journey is a testament to the fact that even small changes can lead to significant results over time. His post on Reddit showcases the support and inspiration communities can offer on each other's journeys towards self-improvement. Try out things for yourself and take control of your life today.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.