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A Successful 100 Day Clean Eating Challenge for Redditor M/27/5'10/190>186

Read about the weight loss journey of a Redditor as he completes his 100-day clean eating challenge. Discover what worked for him and gain inspiration for your own weight loss journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a weight reduction from 190 pounds to 186 pounds. A respectable loss of 4 pounds.
M/27/5'10/190>186/ 100 Day clean eating challenge
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Redditor M/27/5'10 started his weight loss journey at 190 pounds, and after completing a 100-day clean eating challenge, he managed to drop down to 186 pounds. He achieved this remarkable feat by sticking to a balanced diet and avoiding junk food.

The Clean Eating Challenge

The basic idea behind clean eating is to consume whole foods that are minimally processed and free of any additives or preservatives. Although it can be a bit challenging, the benefits of clean eating are many. Redditor M/27/5'10 was inspired by others who had successfully completed the challenge before him and decided to give it a shot. During the challenge, he ate only whole foods and cut out all sugar, alcohol, dairy and carbs from his diet.

The Results

The 100-day challenge proved to be a success for Redditor M/27/5'10. He noticed significant changes in his body and overall health. As a result of his clean eating, he experienced an increase in energy, clearer skin, and better sleep. Furthermore, he managed to lose four pounds and achieve his target weight of 186 pounds.

The Journey Continues

While the 100-day challenge may have ended, Redditor M/27/5'10 is still focusing on maintaining his new and improved healthy lifestyle. He continues to follow a balanced diet and is now experimenting with different types of exercises to stay active. He admits that there are still some cravings every once in a while, but he is more conscious of what he puts into his body.


The story of Redditor M/27/5'10 is a prime example of how clean eating can be an effective way to lose weight and improve overall health. While it may be challenging to stick with at first, the benefits of clean eating can be well worth the effort. If you are looking to lose weight, gain more energy, and feel better overall, why not give the 100-day clean eating challenge a try?

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.