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F/19/5'7" Inspiring Weight Loss Journey with 20 Pounds Down

Discover how ElishevaGlix successfully lost 20 pounds, improved her posture, and gained confidence on her weight loss journey. Read for inspiration!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'7" female showing a weight loss from 188 pounds to 168 pounds. A net loss of 20 pounds.
F/19/5'7" [188>168=20 lbs] Still about 20 lbs to GW, but this is really encouraging!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

20 pounds down - an incredible achievement

ElishevaGlix, a 19-year-old woman with a height of 5'7" and weighing 188 pounds, shared her inspiring weight loss journey on Reddit. With discipline and determination, she was able to shed off 20 pounds, proudly reaching her current weight of 168 pounds. Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise have helped her achieve this remarkable achievement.

Positive comments render support and encouragement

ElishevaGlix's achievement did not go unnoticed, as her post garnered 541 upvotes and various inspiring comments. Many Redditors praised her for how good she looks and how much weight she has lost. Some noticed that her posture also looked much better, and her general happiness seemed to have improved. The positive feedback encouraged her to keep going and reach her goal weight.

Small habits - big changes

ElishevaGlix's journey is a prime example that small habits can make big changes. A combination of portion control, avoiding junk food, and regularly hitting the gym all contributed to her success. She remains driven to lose an additional 20 pounds and maintains her discipline and motivation.

Inspiration to start your weight loss journey

ElishevaGlix's successful weight loss is proof that it is possible to achieve your goals if you remain committed and disciplined. Her journey serves as an inspiration to anyone looking to embark on their weight loss journey. Start with small steps, and gradually increase your efforts. Seek support from friends, family, or online communities, and always remember to focus on your progress rather than your setbacks.

Wrapping up

ElishevaGlix has shown that achieving weight loss goals requires effort and dedication. With the right habits, discipline, and motivation, anyone can make progress towards their goals. We salute ElishevaGlix's remarkable determination and success and wish her the best of luck on her journey towards her ultimate weight goal. As for you, take inspiration from her story, and who knows? You might even be the next weight loss success story!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.