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One Teenager's Journey From 70Kg to 80Kg in 1.5 Years: a Reddit User's Weight Transformation

Follow one user's weight journey from 70kg to 80kg in just 1.5 years. Learn how they did it and find inspiration for your own journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a weight gain from 154 pounds to 176 pounds. A net gain of 22 pounds.
5'10 Male 70kg - 80kg (approx) 17-18 years old over course of 1.5 years.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


NattyYattySlayer, a Reddit user, documented his weight journey from 70kg to 80kg within 1.5 years. Despite his young age (17-18 years old), he shared how he accomplished his weight gain through a clean bulk and a simple yet effective dietary change.

A Steady and Clean Bulking Phase

According to user rsandoval723's comment on the Reddit post, it is speculated that NattyYattySlayer accomplished his weight gain through a steady and clean bulking phase. The user himself confirmed that it was a matter of adding peanut butter sandwiches as a meal before bed and drinking 2 pints of whole milk a day on top of his usual diet, which seemed to have worked wonders.

Positive Feedback from the Community

NattyYattySlayer's post received positive feedback and encouragement from the community, with comments from fellow Reddit users like The_Natty_King and TimmyboyH. Although there were a couple of humorous comments, the overall response was supportive and motivating.

Find Inspiration in Others' Journeys

Followers of this weight journey may take inspiration from NattyYattySlayer's transformation. Although he may not have followed a strict weight gain program or diet, his dedication to his goals and hard work helped him achieve the weight gain he desired. Beginners and individuals on their weight gain journey can learn from his story and try simple things out for themselves.


NattyYattySlayer's weight journey shows that even those who are new to weight gain can accomplish their goals with a simple yet effective approach. Although everyone's journey may differ, this Reddit user provides inspiration and motivation for those who are also on their weight gain journey. Remember, small changes in your diet and lifestyle can lead to significant results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.