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How a Reddit User Lost 6.6Lbs in 4 Weeks

Counting calories and doing interval-based resistance training 5 days a week helped a Reddit user achieve remarkable results towards their weight loss goal.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a fat loss from 162 pounds to 156 pounds. A respectable loss of 6 pounds.
F/25/5'7" [162.9lbs > 156.3lbs = 6.6lbs] (4 weeks) Results so far exceeding expectations! 1/4 to my goal
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Reddit Post

A Reddit user, Abiaadi, posted a progress picture showing a 6.6lbs weight loss in just four weeks. The user shared their weight loss routine in their post.

The Routine

Abiaadi follows the 30-Day Real Time Challenge from, an interval-based resistance training program that includes free weights. The user trains approximately 5 days a week and workouts typically last 40-50 minutes, with a few lasting up to 1h20min.


The user counts calories and has breakfast with a small glass of chocolate milkshake. For lunch, Abiaadi has a large salad with mostly green veggies and some form of protein. As an afternoon snack, they have approximately 200ml of cottage cheese with fruit, cinnamon and sometimes sugar. Dinner is usually whatever the user's husband cooks.

The Benefits of Counting Calories

By counting calories, the user permits themselves food choices and cheats while still knowing when they are coming in under or over their calorie goals.

Lifestyle Changes

Abiaadi tries to snack on protein/fats rather than fruit and eats in moderation, encouraging a long-term lifestyle change to resist the urge to deny themselves things they enjoy.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.