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A Weight Loss Journey From 240Lbs to 180Lbs: a Reddit User's Story

Read about a Reddit user who lost 60lbs by counting calories and adding physical activities, and how they kept going.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 240 pounds to 180 pounds. A net loss of 60 pounds.
M/34/6'0" [240lbs > 180lbs = 60lbs] When I went to college i put on the freshman 15, the sophomore 15, the junior 15, and the senior 15. I finally decided to do something about it and I'm back to my pre-college weight. Pics over a couple years.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The backstory

Going to college, and the life of a software engineer who likes video games and coding, took its toll on Zor_Zor's physical health. By his mid-30s, he had gained 60lbs to weigh 240lbs. After years of procrastinating, he decided to take control of his weight.

The journey

Zor_Zor started by doing basic calorie counting and worked out for about an hour a day. He incorporated different physical activities into his lifestyle, such as cycling, walking, jogging, or using a treadmill, to make sure he moved every day. Over time, he successfully lost the 60lbs that he had gained and reached his pre-college weight of 180lbs.

The inspiration

Zor_Zor's weight loss journey has inspired many Reddit users, such as leftonconnor, who found motivation in seeing someone with similar weight loss goals successfully shedding pounds. Zor_Zor's routine and approach proved that changes can happen in anyone's life if they set their mind to it.

The method

The foundation of Zor_Zor's method was counting calories, which means watching the number of calories you consume daily and staying within a predetermined limit. This combines with incorporating physical activities can help lose weight by creating a calorie deficit. This method worked great for Zor_Zor, and it might work for others too.

The takeaway

Weight loss is possible by making lifestyle changes, like adjusting your calorie intake and adding exercises, in a sustainable manner. Zor_Zor proved that it is possible to achieve weight loss goals with persistence and commitment. Following a routine that is enjoyable and personalized could be a good starting point for those who are struggling to get started.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.