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A Teenager’s Journey From 188 to 161 Lbs in 2 3 Months by Eating 1,500 Calories and Doing Cardio

Read about Winrar2's inspiring weight loss journey from 188 to 161 lbs in just 2-3 months by eating 1,500 calories and doing a lot of cardio, topped with eating breakfast to jumpstart his metabolism.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 188 pounds to 161 pounds. A respectable loss of 27 pounds.
M/16/5'11" [188 - 161 = 27 lbs] (2-3 months) Still have a lot of work to do, but here is my almost finished cut
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Winrar2, a 16-year-old 5’11” teenager shared his inspiring weight loss journey on reddit that not only helped him lose 27 lbs in 2-3 months but also motivated others to embark on a fitness journey.

The Routine

Winrar2 consumed around 1,500 calories a day and did a lot of cardio workouts such as running and playing lacrosse. He halted his diet plan for a while and then resumed it to reach his target of 150 lbs. He has also started eating breakfast to give his metabolism a head start.

The Dilemma of Weightlifting during a Cut

During his weight loss plan, Winrar2 chose not to touch weights because strength gains are minimal during a cut. Although some people may argue that lifting weights during a cut can help in providing better-looking results, Winrar2 decided not to follow this route.

The Importance of Sufficient Calorie Intake while being Aggressive with Weight Loss

One commenter, misterljam, commended Winrar2's weight loss journey, stating that it's essential to continue lifting during a cut even if significant strength gains are minimal. misterljam also highlighted that a 1500 calorie diet may be too low for teenagers like Winrar2.


Winrar2's journey shows that sticking to a strict routine can help you achieve a lot in a short span of time. While choosing the right foods to eat and the right amount of exercise play a significant role in weight loss, it is also essential to take care of overall health and not push too hard. It's about finding the right balance that works for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.