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A Slow and Steady Weight Journey: From 190Lbs to 177Lbs

Read about megame160's weight loss journey, dropping 13lbs through slow and steady progress. Learn from their approach to achieve your own goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight reduction from 190 pounds to 177 pounds. A net loss of 13 pounds.
M/26/6'0" [190lbs > 177lbs = 13lbs] Slow and steady
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user megame160 shares his journey of losing 13lbs, from a starting weight of 190lbs to 177lbs. His approach was slow and steady, without any fad diets or extreme workout programs. His story serves as a reminder that a sustainable and realistic approach to weight loss is key to achieving your goals. Here is his story.

Starting out

Megame160 began his weight loss journey by taking small steps towards a healthier lifestyle. He focused on drinking more water, eating more vegetables and fruits, and limiting his portion sizes. This allowed him to lose weight gradually, without feeling deprived or overwhelmed. He also began to incorporate regular exercise into his routine, including jogging and weightlifting.

Finding balance

As he continued on his weight loss journey, megame160 learned the importance of finding balance. He allowed himself to indulge in his favorite foods in moderation, while still staying within his daily caloric budget. He also found a workout routine that worked for him and did not feel like a punishment. By finding a sustainable balance between healthy habits and indulging in moderation, he was able to stay on track towards his weight loss goal.

The power of community

Throughout his journey, megame160 found motivation and support through the weight loss community on Reddit. By posting his progress and getting feedback from others, he was able to stay accountable and receive encouragement from others who were on similar journeys. This sense of community helped him to stay motivated in the face of any setbacks, and celebrate his successes along the way.


Megame160's weight loss journey serves as a reminder that a slow and steady approach is the key to achieving sustainable weight loss. By focusing on small healthy habits, finding balance, and staying accountable with the support of a community, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. Try incorporating some of his tips into your own routine today, and start your journey towards a healthier and happier you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.