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Cycling, Lifting, and Running: How One Man Lost 45 Pounds

Read about Metal_Glass's weight loss journey from 225 to 180 pounds through cycling, lifting, and running. Check what he did to feel and look healthier.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a snapshot of 225 pounds at a height of 5'11
M 24 5'11" 225p - 180p (update) After picking up cycling to work everyday, lifting and running in the evenings!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Metal_Glass, a 24-year-old male, shares on Reddit his journey from weighing 225 pounds down to 180 pounds. By combining cycling, lifting, and running, he achieved a 45-pound weight loss, resulting in a more healthy and radiant appearance.

The Journey Begins

Metal_Glass first picked up cycling to work every day, which provided an excellent opportunity to engage in regular physical activity. After work, he would continue his fitness routine by lifting and running in the evening. By consistently following this routine, he noticed significant improvements in his physical health and appearance.

The Benefits of Cycling, Lifting, and Running

Cycling is a low-impact cardio exercise that can help individuals burn calories and improve heart health. It also helps build up leg muscles, leading to a more defined and developed lower body shape. Lifting weights helps build muscle tissue, which increases metabolism and burns more calories at rest. Running also facilitates weight loss by burning calories at a high rate while establishing overall body fitness.


Metal_Glass's journey from 225 to 180 pounds is a testament to the power of consistent exercise and healthy living. By combining cycling, lifting, and running, he was able to lose 45 pounds and contribute to substantial improvements in his physical health and appearance. If you're looking to start your weight loss journey, it's worth taking a page out of Metal_Glass's book and trying out several physical activities to find what works best for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.