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Impressive 85 Pound Weight Loss Journey in 17 Months

Read about Frankenbutts' incredible 85-pound weight loss journey in 17 months without loose skin. Learn her tips for a healthy, happy and fit lifestyle.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'2" woman showing a weight loss from 205 pounds to 120 pounds. A net loss of 85 pounds.
A photo of a 5'2" woman showing a weight loss from 205 pounds to 120 pounds. A net loss of 85 pounds.
F/20/5'2 [205lbs > 120lbs = 85lbs lost] (17 months) Finally hit my goal weight!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user Frankenbutts shared her incredible weight loss journey on the social platform, narrating how she was able to lose a whooping 85 pounds in just 17 months. Frankenbutts narrated that the main thing that helped her throughout the process was significant dietary change, healthy food portions, healthy snacking choices, counting calories, and supplements such as good fats, complex carbs and protein.

Diet Changes

Frankenbutts improved her diet and made sure to consume just enough food for her to feel satisfied. She also snacked only on foods with moderate to low sugar content while counting her daily calorie intake. Frankenbutts' dietary changes were the most critical factor in her weight reduction, although supplements that helped contribute to her weight loss include meats, legumes, dairy, nuts, and high protein snacks such as jerky.

Fitness Improvements

Aside from her diet changes, Frankenbutts also engaged in minimal exercise routines such as walking up the stairs, Jillian Michael DVDs, and working on her feet. She mentioned that she wasn't keen on exercise before focusing on diet changes, so she revealed that she didn't set any specific goals for working out or sweating in the gym.

Maintenance and Additional Tips

Frankenbutts also commented that she weighed herself religiously every morning, making sure she was still on track with her weight loss goals. Maintenance was also critical as she made sure to adjust her eating habits in a balanced way, and quality of food became more important. Making healthy food choices enticing by broadening her horizons, expanding her tastes by trying new things, and gradually making minor healthy swaps also helped her keep her momentum.


Frankenbutts' weight loss journey is one that inspires and can serve as a motivation for anyone struggling to lose a few extra pounds healthily. Her commitment to her diet and passion for maintaining her healthy lifestyle is a testament to how determination and consistency are essential keys to success. If you're trying to lose weight or be healthier, use Frankenbutts' tips as a blueprint for your own journey, and like her, you too can achieve your desired goal.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.