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From 250Lbs to 205Lbs in 18 Months: a Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey

Follow the weight loss journey of Reddit user jumbo_crayon, who lost 45 pounds in 18 months. Learn about their progress, obstacles, and achievements.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 250 pounds to 205 pounds. A net loss of 45 pounds.
F/26/5'4" [250lbs > 205lbs = 45lbs] (18 months) Hard to believe it's the same shirt!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user jumbo_crayon recently shared their weight loss progress on the social media platform, inspiring many with their dedication and hard work over the past 18 months. Starting at 250 pounds, they have now reached a weight of 205 pounds, losing a total of 45 pounds in this time.


Jumbo_crayon's weight loss journey has not been without obstacles; they note that weight loss is a long and difficult process, and it's easy to slip up or feel discouraged. However, they also found motivation in setting achievable goals, tracking their progress, and celebrating small successes along the way, from running their first 5k obstacle course to fitting into clothes that previously didn't fit.

Tips for Success

Jumbo_crayon shares several tips for anyone looking to embark on their own weight loss journey, including tracking calories, finding a form of exercise that is enjoyable and sustainable, and getting support from friends and family. They also emphasize that weight loss is a slow process and remind others to be patient and kind to themselves, especially when experiencing setbacks.

Celebrating Achievements

Jumbo_crayon's post showcases a before and after photo of them wearing the same shirt, highlighting just how far they have come on their weight loss journey. This serves as a reminder to celebrate achievements, no matter how small, and to recognize the progress that has been made along the way.


Jumbo_crayon's weight loss journey serves as an inspiration to those who are struggling with their weight or looking to make a positive change in their lives. Their tips for success, focus on achievable goals, and celebration of achievements can help others find motivation and support on their own journeys. Remember, weight loss is a process that takes time, effort, and dedication, but the rewards are worth it. Try things out for yourself, celebrate your successes, and keep pushing forward towards your goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.