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How Reddit Helped a Teenage Male Achieve His Weight Loss Goals

Follow a teenage male's 7 month weight loss journey on Reddit from 220lb to 167lb, using self-improvement threads for motivation.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" man showing a weight bulk from 140 pounds to 150 pounds. A net gain of 10 pounds.
M/18/5'4'' SW: 220 CW: 167 GW: 140-150 (7 Months) Can't wait to reach my goal!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A teenage male, who goes by the username ConspicuousName, shared his weight loss journey on Reddit over the course of 7 months. His starting weight was 220 pounds, and as of his most recent update, he had reached 167 pounds. He had set a goal weight of 140-150 pounds and was determined to reach it. Through his journey, he discovered that Reddit was not only a place for entertainment and laughs, but also a source of inspiration for self-improvement and weight loss.

Self-Improvement Subreddits

ConspicuousName found motivation and support in various self-improvement subreddits, such as r/malefashionadvice, r/teenmfa, and r/malehairadvice. He recognized that his physical appearance was a reflection of his inner self, and improving one would lead to improvements in the other. By following advice from these subreddits regarding fashion, hair, and other topics, he developed more confidence and self-esteem.

Weight Loss Progress

ConspicuousName kept his followers updated on his weight loss progress through pictures and descriptions. He shared the physical changes he experienced, such as a smaller waist and more defined muscles. He also mentioned dietary changes he had made, such as cutting out sugary drinks and reducing portion sizes. While he experienced some setbacks, such as a plateau in weight loss, he remained dedicated to his goal and eventually overcame them.

Encouragement from the Reddit Community

Throughout his journey, ConspicuousName received encouragement and positive comments from fellow Redditors. Comments ranged from simply congratulating him on his progress, to offering advice and tips on how to continue his weight loss journey. He mentioned how this support helped him stay motivated and focused on his goal.


ConspicuousName's weight loss journey serves as a testament to the power of online communities, especially those focused on self-improvement. By using Reddit to seek help and motivation, he was able to transform not only his physical appearance, but also his confidence and self-esteem. This journey can serve as inspiration for others to take similar steps towards self-improvement and healthier lifestyles.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.