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40 Pound Transformation: M/ 36/ 5'8'' User Shares Remarkable Weight Loss Journey

Read about a Reddit user who shed 40 pounds over three years and shares his journey. Minimalist running helped in cardio despite lower back pain.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" man showing a weight cut from 215 pounds to 175 pounds. A respectable loss of 40 pounds.
M/36/5'8" 215lbs > 175lbs = 40 lbs (3 years difference) Driver's License facial changes
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Blackforge, a Reddit user, shares his 40-pound transformation journey, which took him three years to achieve. In his post, he posted before-and-after pictures showing his driver's license photograph and how different he looks. His massive weight loss caught the attention of Reddit users, and he attracted more than 43 upvotes and a few comments.

His Journey

At 215 pounds, Blackforge decided it was best to embark on a weight-loss journey. It was not an easy feat, and it took him three years to lose 40 pounds. Blackforge tried several weight loss techniques, such as caloric deficits, vigilant diet control, and minimal running. Despite lower back pain, minimal running helped Blackforge in cardio. He also recommends Viniyoga for lower back pain relief. Blackforge's post can inspire others struggling with weight loss.

Lessons Learned

Blackforge had a few insights to share after his weight loss journey. Firstly, he advises others to avoid burnout. Burnout happens when someone overworks themselves and ends up exhausted and unmotivated. Secondly, he recommends finding a few physical activities to enjoy, which can help in achieving sustainable weight loss. Thirdly, he encourages people not to let weight loss consume them but understand that it is a crucial health journey that takes time.


It is not uncommon for people to struggle with weight loss, but small changes can make significant differences. Blackforge has managed to keep the weight off by making exercise and healthy eating habits integrated into his life. His weight-loss journey shows that it is possible to make progress despite setbacks.

Final thoughts

Others can learn from Blackforge's weight loss journey. It took him three years to achieve his goals, which shows us that significant change takes time. If you're struggling with weight loss, you can try different techniques such as caloric deficits, exercise, and limiting processed foods. Every small change can add up and lead to significant progress. Blackforge's journey shows us that with discipline and the right mindset, weight loss is achievable.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.