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F/23/5'4: the 40 Day Weight Loss Journey of Dillanth

Learn how a 23-year old woman, Dillanth, transformed her body from 143 lbs to 138lbs in just 40 days through exercise and a healthy diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight cut from 143 pounds to 138 pounds. A total loss of 5 pounds.
F/23/5'4 (143 to 138lbs) 40 day transformation.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Dillanth, a 23-year old Reddit user, has been documenting her 40-day weight loss journey on the platform. Her post received 207 upvotes and sparked curiosity from fellow Redditors. Dillanth has been sharing her routine and diet that helped transform her body from 143lbs to 138lbs in 40 days. In this post, we'll dive into Dillanth's daily routine and diet to see how she achieved this significant change in a short period.

Dillanth's Routine

Dillanth started off working out four days a week. For the first two weeks, she did cardio and stretching exercises and attended Pilates classes twice a week. Afterward, she implemented Tabata Timer in her Pilates routine, doing as much as she could in 20 seconds, followed by resting for 10 seconds and repeating the move for another 20. Initially, Dillanth continued with this routine for two weeks. However, one of her close friends introduced her to a 25 minutes workout called 'Focus T25'. The routine doesn't include any breaks and focuses on high-intensity exercise. Within one week, she started noticing a significant difference in her body's shape.

Dillanth's Diet

Dillanth's diet during the 40-day transformation involved eating a healthy breakfast with a 2-egg omelet and two slices of whole-grain bread. Two hours later, she ate prebiotic yogurt. For lunch, she had grilled chicken with salad or boiled vegetables. Her afternoon snack included almonds and nuts, followed by vegetable soup for dinner (without oil). Dillanth also avoided chocolates and alcoholic beverages during the 40-day period. She used CLA caplets for the last 15 days of the 40-day period, which is a type of supplement said to help lose body fat.


Dillanth's 40-day weight loss journey reminds us that it's essential to monitor the progress and recognize that small changes can lead to significant results, as stated in her Reddit post. Her dedication to her routine and consistent diet helped her witness impressive changes in a short amount of time. Implementing healthy habits in your daily routine can be challenging, but the result can be worth it. Consider taking Dillanth's diet and exercise as an inspiration and trying to incorporate similar healthy habits in your life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.