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One Year Transformation: From 79Kg to 72Kg Through Cut, Bulk, Cut

Witness this amazing weight journey of a 25-year-old male who went through a year-long process of cutting, bulking, and cutting again, resulting in a 7kg weight loss.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'11" male showing a weight cut from 173 pounds to 158 pounds. A respectable loss of 15 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'11" male showing a weight cut from 173 pounds to 158 pounds. A respectable loss of 15 pounds.
M/25/5'11" [79kg > 72kg = 7kg] (1 year) The Year That Was; Cut, Bulk, Cut.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One year may seem like a long time, but it's actually a great deal of time to make changes in one's lifestyle and health. This is the case for one 25-year-old male, who spent the year on a journey to transform his weight and body composition. Through it all, he documented his progress on Reddit, and his story has inspired many who are also looking to make positive changes in their lives.

The Journey Begins

At the beginning, the user weighed in at 79kg, which is just over 174 pounds. He started by cutting his calories and focusing on cardio exercises, resulting in a weight loss of 5kg (11 pounds) in just six weeks. However, he's not done yet, and he decided to bulk up by increasing his calorie intake and doing weight training. Over the following months, he gained some muscle mass and was up to 77kg, but he felt that he still had too much body fat.

The Second Cut

He then went through a second cutting phase, during which he focused on reducing body fat while maintaining his muscle mass. This was a more gradual process, but by the end, he had lost 2kg (4.4 pounds) of body weight and was down to 72kg. However, he now had a leaner physique with a lower body fat percentage, which was his ultimate goal. Throughout the process, he learned to balance his diet and exercise routine, and he shared his tips and strategies with the online community.

Learning Points

The user's transformation journey reveals a few key learning points. First, it's essential to have clear and specific goals, whether it's reducing body fat, building muscle mass, or improving overall health. Second, the process of cutting and bulking should be done in a progressive and balanced way, with the input of a professional trainer or nutritionist, if possible. Third, staying accountable and motivated is crucial, and this can be achieved through tracking progress, seeking support from others, and celebrating small victories along the way.


In conclusion, this Reddit user's one-year weight journey is a testament to the power of persistence, discipline, and a growth mindset. By taking charge of his health and embracing the challenges and setbacks along the way, he has achieved a significant transformation that has benefited not only his body but also his mind and spirit. His story is a reminder that it's never too late to make positive changes and that with the right mindset and habits, anyone can achieve their goals. So, take inspiration from this weight journey and try out some of the tips and strategies for yourself, and see how far you can go!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.