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A Teenage Reddit User Loses 25 Pounds in 6 Months: Journey to a Healthier Weight

Follow a teenager's weight journey as he loses 25 pounds in 6 months through lifestyle changes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a weight reduction from 205 pounds to 180 pounds. A respectable loss of 25 pounds.
Lost 25 pounds in 6 months, feeling pretty happy! 205-180. M/16/5'10"
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A teenage Reddit user has shared his weight loss journey, revealing how he lost 25 pounds in just 6 months. In his post, he describes changing his lifestyle and implementing healthy habits to reach his goal.

The Journey

The teenage user started his weight loss journey at 205 pounds, and set a goal to reach 180 pounds. Over the course of 6 months, he managed to achieve this goal through a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise. He describes cutting out unhealthy foods and sugary drinks and replacing them with healthier alternatives, such as water and fruits and vegetables.

The Results

The teenage user reports feeling much happier and having more energy since losing the weight. He has also noticed improvements in his overall health and fitness. The journey has not been without its challenges, but the user credits his success to staying motivated and committed to his goal.


This weight loss journey serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to lose weight and improve their health. The user's success shows that making small changes to your lifestyle can lead to significant results over time. By cutting out unhealthy foods and incorporating more exercise and healthy habits into your routine, you too can achieve a healthier weight and feel better both physically and mentally.


The weight loss journey of this teenage Reddit user serves as a powerful reminder that anyone is capable of making positive changes to their health and lifestyle. By setting goals and staying committed, we can all achieve our desired weight and feel happier and healthier as a result. Why not try making small changes to your diet and exercise routine today and see how they impact your health and happiness?

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.