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From Skinny to Fit: a 22 Lb Weight Gain Journey

Experience a weight gain journey of a former skinny guy to a moderately skinny guy with muscle, and learn about his fitness routine and diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" male showing a muscle gain from 143 pounds to 165 pounds. A respectable gain of 22 pounds.
A picture of a 5'9" male showing a muscle gain from 143 pounds to 165 pounds. A respectable gain of 22 pounds.
M/25/5'9: [143 > 165 = 22 lbs gained] (about 2 years) From a really skinny guy with no muscle to a moderately skinny guy with a decent amount of muscle (Not as impressive as some transformations on here but I'm proud of the progress)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user tr6tr6 shares his 22-lb weight gain journey, transforming him from a really skinny guy to a moderately skinny guy with a decent amount of muscle.


The user does not follow a strict diet because of the challenging lifestyle a graduate student has. But, in general, he eats wheat bagel with organic peanut butter for breakfast, chicken caesar wrap, and apple for lunch, green smoothie for pre-workout, protein shake for post-workout, grilled chicken, vegetables, and brown rice for dinner.


The user's workout routine includes Chest (DB flat, BB incline and decline, pec flies), Biceps (21's, db curls, preacher curls); Back (lat pulldown, bent-over rows, seated rows, wide-grip pullups), Triceps (close-grip bench, weighted dips, skull crushers, cable machine rope thingy), Shoulders (DB Military, BB OHP, upright rows, shrugs, that thing you do with dumbbells where it looks like you're shaking out a carpet really slowly), Cardio (2.5 mile run), bodyweight workout at an outdoor gym (dips, pullups/chinups, pushup variations), Cardio (run 2.5 miles back home), Legs (deadlift, leg press, calf raise).


One commenter complimented the user's progress, and another asked about his diet and exercise routine. One commented on his good looking face, and another recommended a subreddit for fitness enthusiasts.


While the user does not follow a strict diet and workout program, his progress shows that to gain muscle, one needs to engage in weight training and eat a balanced diet. For those who are looking for inspiration in their fitness journey, it's important to note that progress does not happen overnight and that consistency and dedication can lead to great results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.