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M/27 Lost 30Lbs in 12 Weeks with Diet & Exercise

A 27-year-old male lost 30lbs in 12 weeks with diet and exercise. He cut out junk food, increased protein and exercised 6 times a week.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'5" male showing a weight loss from 235 pounds to 205 pounds. A respectable loss of 30 pounds.
M/27/5’5” [235 -> 205 = 30lbs lost in 12 weeks] Completely changed my diet and workout regimen to a caloric deficit and 6x workouts per week. Still have a long way to go, but I’m happy with the progress so far.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Meet theseanbrogan, a Reddit user who lost an impressive 30lbs in just 12 weeks through a combination of diet and exercise. The 27-year-old male went from 235lbs to 205lbs and is proud of his progress so far. This article will examine his journey, explore his regimen, and offer tips for those hoping to achieve similar results.

Diet & Nutrition

According to theseanbrogan, the key to his diet success was cutting out junk food, alcohol, and sugary drinks. He switched to a low-calorie, high-protein diet of around 1750-1850 calories per day with 180 grams of protein per day. He also drank over a gallon of water a day and zero sugar Gatorade to keep himself hydrated. This dietary approach helped him to not only lose weight, but also improve his overall health and well-being.

Fitness Regimen

To complement his diet, theseanbrogan began exercising six times a week. He combined cardio with weight lifting to burn fat and build muscle. He emphasized that consistency was crucial to his success, and that missing just one day could have a significant impact on his overall progress. Rather than relying on motivation, he created a daily routine and stuck to it.

Results & Progress

After 12 weeks of discipline and dedication, theseanbrogan lost an impressive 30lbs. He still has a long way to go to achieve his ultimate goal, but his progress has given him the confidence and motivation to keep going. He took progress pictures and tracked his measurements to keep himself accountable and motivated.

Takeaway Tips

If you're looking to lose weight and improve your health, theseanbrogan's journey offers several valuable lessons. Cut out processed junk food and sugary drinks, opt for a high-protein, low-calorie diet, stay hydrated, and exercise consistently. Lacking motivation? Create a daily routine that works for you, track your progress with photos and measurements, and celebrate each milestone along the way. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, so don't be afraid to try different approaches until you find what works best for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.