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A Journey to Weight Loss: How One Reddit User Shed 15 Pounds

Follow the weight loss journey of a Reddit user who lost 15 pounds in a few months. Learn about his methods and tips for staying motivated.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'0" man showing a fat loss from 226 pounds to 215 pounds. A net loss of 11 pounds.
30/M/6'0 226 - 215 (SW:230)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a challenge that many people face. With so many weight loss programs, diets, and exercise routines, it can be tough to know where to start. One Reddit user, who goes by the username [deleted], decided to take control of their health and embark on a journey to lose weight. In just a few months, they managed to shed 15 pounds, sharing their story and progress on the popular online forum.

Starting Point

The user, a 30-year-old male who stands 6 feet tall, started their weight loss journey at a starting weight of 230 pounds. Frustrated with their weight and feeling uncomfortable in their own skin, they turned to Reddit for support and accountability. They started by tracking their calorie intake using a food diary app, aiming to stay within a daily calorie limit of 1800 calories. They also incorporated exercise into their routine, with a focus on cardio and strength training.


After just a few weeks, the user started to see results. They noticed that their clothes were fitting better and they had more energy throughout the day. They updated their post with progress photos, showing off their 11-pound weight loss. They continued to track their calories and exercise regularly, making adjustments to their routine as needed.

Tips for Staying Motivated

One of the biggest challenges of weight loss is staying motivated. The Reddit user shared a few tips for staying on track, including finding an accountability partner, setting small goals, and rewarding oneself for milestones. They also stressed the importance of not getting discouraged by setbacks and to keep reminding oneself of the reason for wanting to lose weight.


The weight loss journey is different for everyone, but one thing that can help is support and guidance from others. By sharing their journey on Reddit, the user received encouragement from the community and was able to stay accountable. If you're looking to lose weight, consider reaching out to others for support and trying out different strategies until you find what works best for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.