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User Shares 15Lb. Weight Loss Progress on Reddit

A 29-year-old female Reddit user shares her weight loss journey, losing 15lbs in one month through the paleo diet and exercise, with several tips and encouragement from fellow Reddit users.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a fat loss from 215 pounds to 200 pounds. A respectable loss of 15 pounds.
Got frustrated feeling nothing had changed. Feeling a bit better now. Still lots to go! 215-200 (F/29/5'4")
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user with the username “zarook” shared her weight loss progress of losing 15lbs in just one month. A 29-year-old female, standing at 5’4”, she was motivated to lose weight to become light enough to get back to her passion for rock climbing, which she had been unable to do comfortably due to her weight.

Paleo Diet and Exercise

She started the Paleo diet three weeks ago, where she cut out processed foods, grains, and sugar. She also exercised through walking and jogging, along with performing calisthenics at home while watching TV. During this time, she lost 15lbs, which she said was sizeable progress. Her focus at present is to lose weight and size, with a view to become lighter so she could pursue her passion for rock climbing.

Positive Encouragement

Redditors flooded the thread with positive comments and encouragement, congratulating zarook on her progress and inspiring her to continue. One user suggested that adding weight training to her routine could help her reduce fat and build muscle faster. Advanced lifting activities like squats, deadlifts, and pull-ups were recommended. A few users suggested limiting stress levels, taking each day as it comes and focusing on the progress already made, rather than getting overwhelmed by the long journey ahead.

The Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet emphasizes eating whole, unprocessed foods like lean proteins and vegetables, while avoiding grains and sugar. The focus is on consuming foods that would have been available to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Paleo has gained popularity recently due to its focus on natural foods and insight into ways of eating that they believe the human body is best adapted to.


zarook’s weight loss journey shows that learning about oneself and dedication is key to achieving healthy progress in the journey towards losing weight. Her success story provides inspiration to all those who are looking to lose weight, with the support from a community of people who share their growth goals. While zarook is not actively involved in our site, her weight loss journey is commendable, and we advise our readers to try out various routine workout and diet plans to discover what works best for them.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.