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Man Loses 73 Pounds in 14 Months: a Pandemic Weight Loss Journey

Read about one man's weight loss journey during the pandemic using a simple diet and exercise routine found on Reddit. Discover his tips for success.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a weight reduction from 270 pounds to 197 pounds. A total loss of 73 pounds.
M/38/5’10”[270lbs>197lbs=73lbs] (14 months) Not a social media guy, but figured I’d share my pandemic weight loss with some random strangers!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

One man took advantage of the pandemic by losing weight. Reddit username Material-Wind-5595 shared his weight loss journey, which started after he became unhappy with his sedentary lifestyle as an insurance salesman. His solution was simple yet effective: he cut daily drinking, ate clean foods such as chicken, fish, potatoes, and veggies, and did a basic bro gym split 5x a week with low-intensity cardio mixed in.

Material-Wind-5595's journey was 'grueling' but worthwhile. After 14 months, he managed to shed 73 pounds and now feels much better about himself. Even his six-year-old daughter commended him by saying, 'Daddy, you look so strong!'

What to learn from Material-Wind-5595's weight loss journey

Material-Wind-5595's story shows that anyone can lose weight through discipline and hard work. He cut some of the most common unhealthy habits in one's daily routine, like daily drinking, and replaced them with healthier choices. By incorporating a simple workout routine and eating cleaner, Material-Wind-5595 was able to shed the unwanted pounds from his body. So, rather than focus on fad diets or unsustainable regimens, try adding exercise and healthy food choices to your lifestyle.

Features of Material-Wind-5595's program that contributed to his success

Material-Wind-5595 recommends adding lentils to one's diet for greater nutritional value. These legumes offer several health benefits, including aiding in weight loss. Additionally, Material-Wind-5595's gym routine focused on a basic bro split rather than any intricate workout regimen. This simple program can help a novice gym-goer begin weightlifting and gain more confidence in their progress.


Material-Wind-5595's journey shows that weight loss takes hard work, commitment, and dedication. Eliminating unhealthy habits, like daily drinking and consuming junk food, and adopting a simple workout program can lead to dramatic results when sustained for enough time. Though everyone's weight loss journey will be unique, Material-Wind-5595's experience provides actionable steps that everyone can follow to achieve similar results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.