From 110Lbs to 155Lbs: Reddit User Shares Her 45Lbs Weight Gain Journey

Follow the journey of reddit user lexa_stahl and learn about her consistent and long-term commitment to weightlifting that helped her gain 45lbs

Article by Madeleine Smith

Published 2 years ago

Originally posted on /r/progresspics

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💪 Weight Gain Progress

Starting Weight

Current Weight

BMI Change

18.3 → 25.8 7.5 point change

Many people embark on a weight loss journey, but weight gain is also a possibility. One reddit user, lexa_stahl, shared her journey of gaining 45lbs over the course of 4 years through consistent weightlifting.

Start of the journey

Lexa_stahl started her weight gain journey in late 2015 by consistently weightlifting. She went from weighing 110lbs to 155lbs, which is a significant weight gain of 45lbs.


Lexa_stahl's motivation to start this journey was to be physically stronger and have a better physique. Her dedication to weightlifting paid off as she gained muscle mass and improved her body composition.

Competing and going pro

Lexa_stahl's passion for weightlifting led her to participate in 5 competitions. While she is currently taking some time off to go pro in the future, her journey serves as an inspiration for others to pursue their own fitness goals.

Lexa_stahl's weight gain journey showcases the importance of consistency and dedication in achieving one's fitness goals. While not everyone may want to gain weight, the principles of working hard and staying committed can be applied to any fitness goal.

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