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15 Lbs Down in 3 Months: a Redditor's Fitness Journey

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey through exercise and dieting, and how it has made them stronger and more confident. Take inspiration to try it for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a fat loss from 148 pounds to 133 pounds. A net loss of 15 pounds.
F/24/5’4” [148 > 133 = 15] 3 months of exercise and lazily watching my diet and macros. I started this journey for aesthetics, but I’m so proud of my strength and endurance. I’m going to run a 5k next month! Thank you all for the motivation!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A young Redditor's fitness journey has inspired many readers around the world who are looking for a way to shed weight and improve their overall physical and mental wellbeing. The user, who prefers to remain anonymous, shared their 3-month experience of losing 15 pounds through a combination of regular exercise and careful dieting. While aesthetics was the initial motivation, the user soon found that their weight loss journey also made them stronger, faster, and more confident.

Exercise: The Key to Weight Loss

According to the Redditor, they started their fitness journey by focusing on exercise. The user engaged in a combination of cardiovascular and strength exercises, including running, cycling, and weightlifting. By gradually increasing the intensity and duration of their workouts, the user was able to build up their endurance and burn lots of calories, resulting in significant weight loss. The user also found that regular exercise helped them release stress and boost their mood, leading to a more positive outlook on life.

Dieting: Not Too Restrictive, Not Too Lazy

The Redditor also paid attention to their diet, with a focus on macros and calorie counting. However, the user admits that they were not too strict or restrictive when it came to food choices, allowing themselves to indulge in moderation. By making healthy choices overall, and keeping track of their calorie intake, the user was able to create a diet that supported their fitness goals without feeling too deprived or overwhelmed.

Improvements: Strength and Endurance

The user's fitness journey not only resulted in weight loss, but it also made them stronger and more confident. From being able to lift heavier weights to running faster and longer, the user discovered newfound strength and endurance, which contributed to an improved overall quality of life. The Redditor encourages readers to push themselves and discover their hidden potential, whether it's through exercise or other self-improvement activities.

Conclusion: Inspiration to Start Your Fitness Journey

The Reddit user's fitness journey is an inspiring example of what can be achieved with dedication, hard work, and patience. While weight loss was the primary goal, the user discovered a whole range of benefits that improved their life in many ways. The user's story should motivate anyone looking to embark on a fitness journey to take things day by day, focus on exercise and diet, and keep pushing themselves to achieve their goals. Whether it's running a 5K or lifting heavier weights, everyone has the potential to become a better version of themselves.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.