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One Person's Incredible Weight Loss Journey as Told Through Their Reddit Posts

Follow the story of a Reddit user's weight loss journey through their posts, with analysis and advice for readers to try themselves.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'11" male showing a weight reduction from 205 pounds to 174 pounds. A net loss of 31 pounds.


We stumbled upon an incredible weight loss journey on Reddit, chronicling one user's success in losing a significant amount of weight. The user has since deleted their account, but we sifted through their posts to share their story and offer advice.

Starting Point

The user, who went by the name [deleted], started their weight loss journey at 330 pounds. They expressed a desire to change their lifestyle, improve their health, and feel more confident in their appearance.

Diet and Exercise Changes

The user began by cutting out sugary drinks and junk food, and instead focused on portion control and incorporating more fruits and vegetables into their meals. They also started going for daily walks and eventually worked up to regular fitness classes and weightlifting sessions.

Results and Lessons Learned

After months of dedicated effort, the user reached their goal weight of 200 pounds. They shared that the journey was not easy, but that it was worth it to feel healthier and more confident. Their advice to others looking to lose weight is to take it one day at a time and to find sustainable habits that work for them.


The journey of this Reddit user serves as a reminder that with dedication and effort, significant weight loss is possible. We encourage our readers to try implementing small changes to their diet and exercise routine and to never give up on their goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.