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From 165 to 130Lbs: a Weight Loss Journey

Read about SevereGas4's weight loss journey and her tips on how she achieved her transformation using CICO, IF, Chloe Ting Challenges and gym workouts.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a weight reduction from 165 pounds to 130 pounds. A net loss of 35 pounds.
F/22/5’3 [165 > 130] posting this to remind myself of how far I’ve come :)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Progress Picture That Inspired Many

SevereGas4 shared her weight loss journey on Reddit, inspiring many people who want to lose weight. She posted a before and after picture of herself that showed her transformation from weighing 165lbs to reaching her current weight of 130lbs. Her progress picture captivated the attention of many users on Reddit who were in awe of her transformation.

How She Lost Weight

SevereGas4 achieved her weight loss through a combination of methods. She started with CICO (calories in, calories out) and IF (intermittent fasting) in January. She stopped doing IF after two months because it no longer fit her lifestyle. In February, she began running by following the C25K program and two Chloe Ting Challenges. In May, she got a gym subscription, following a routine she found online, alternating between 3-4 days of work at the gym and 2-3 days of running.

Maintaining Her Weight Loss

One of the most challenging parts of weight loss is maintaining it. SevereGas4 revealed that she no longer counts calories; she has an understanding of what she can eat in a day to maintain her weight. The CICO method still proves handy whenever she finds herself slipping up. She has also expressed the desire to start building muscle but is unsure how to create a workout routine.

Tips and Advice For Those Who Want to Lose Weight

SevereGas4's journey to weight loss is achievable for anyone willing to put in the work. Her tips include researching and using different methods until you find what works for you. She also advises focusing on small, achievable goals that you can reach and surpass, and understanding that weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Lastly, she recommends that you try to find someone to share your journey with and keep each other motivated and accountable.


SevereGas4's journey is an inspirational reminder that anyone can achieve their weight loss goals with dedication, determination, and hard work. Her journey is unique, but her tips and advice can apply to anyone trying to lose weight. Remember that every journey is different, and what worked for one person may not work for another. So, if you're looking to start your weight loss journey, try out different methods and find what works best for you. Good luck and keep pushing forward!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.