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Nicoleandynamite's Weight Loss Journey: From 180 to 160 Lbs

Read about NicoleanDynamite's inspiring weight loss journey, losing 20lbs in two years!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'2" woman showing a fat loss from 180 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 20 pounds.
F/31/5’2”[180>160=20] Didn’t realize how different I look now until I saw this old picture of me!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


NicoleanDynamite, a F/31/5’2”, shares her journey on Reddit. After facing hypothyroidism and weight gain from her medication, she started struggling to lose weight. In her post, she shares her progress pictures and how she lost 20lbs over the past few years.

The Journey

NicoleanDynamite's journey involved losing over 20lbs by making changes to her lifestyle. She stopped weighing herself at 180lbs and began taking steps to get healthier. Through her posts, she shares that she would like to lose more weight and reach her goal of 140lbs. With hypothyroidism and medication, it was a difficult journey, but she stayed dedicated and focused.

Impactful Results

The hard work paid off for NicoleanDynamite as she received over 176 upvotes and countless supportive comments on her post. The comparison photos starkly showed the progress she had made in losing weight. Her improved health and boosted confidence radiated through her post, showing just how impactful a weight loss journey can be.

Small but Permanent Changes

NicoleanDynamite’s journey reminds us that small changes can lead to permanent effects. She didn’t undergo intense regimens; she simply made small changes to her lifestyle - such as decreasing her sugar and carb intake and increasing her physical activity levels - that paid off in the long run. Her post inspires us all to try something new and see what works best for us.


NicoleanDynamite’s journey shows that despite facing numerous obstacles, a weight loss journey is tough but worth it. Her journey was about taking control of her own health, and through her small, permanent changes, she was able to achieve impactful results. Her post reminds us that weight loss journeys are personal and should be taken one step at a time, with long term goals in mind, and that anyone can achieve positive changes with hard work and dedication.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.