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Man Loses 81 Pounds in 12 Months Through Keto and Calorie Deficit

Follow OGKix's weight loss journey and learn how he lost 81 pounds in 12 months through a combination of keto and calorie deficit.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'9" man showing a weight cut from 254 pounds to 173 pounds. A net loss of 81 pounds.
M/24/5’9 [254 > 173 = 81 pounds lost] (12 months). First half keto, second half calorie deficit. Took a two month break from Jan to Feb where I was just chilling eating at maintenance. Now I’m working at muscle gain and lowering body fat some more.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Losing 81 pounds in 12 months through keto and calorie deficit

OGKix, a 24-year-old Reddit user, shares his weight loss journey on the platform, detailing how he lost 81 pounds in 12 months. During the first half of his journey, OGKix followed a keto diet, while he transitioned to a calorie deficit for the second half.

Taking a break

In between, OGKix took a two-month break from January to February, during which he relaxed and ate at maintenance to recharge. He is now focusing on muscle gain and reducing his body fat further.

Skin elasticity and loose skin

Many people wonder about loose skin concerns when they embark on a significant weight loss journey. OGKix has shared that he has not had any issues with loose skin in visible areas. Although his skin is somewhat loose in some areas when he pulls on it.

How to potentially prevent loose skin

Some people swear by techniques like witch hazel or dermarolling to help prevent loose skin. However, OGKix did not use any preventative measures. He suggests it may have to do with how fat is spread within your body.

The importance of consistency

OGKix shares that he has been consistent with his workouts, which has been instrumental in his transformation. While he had some muscle memory from lifting in high school, he started consistently lifting five days a week in May. As he continues his journey, he aims to reduce his body fat further.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.