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Cico and Calisthenics Help 37 Year Old Man Shed 27Lbs, Beat Depression and Anxiety

Read how one man took control of his mental health and physical fitness with a combination of CICO dieting and calisthenics.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a weight reduction from 191 pounds to 164 pounds. A total loss of 27 pounds.
M/37/5'10 [191lbs>164lbs=27lbs] CICO + Calisthenics. Finally got off the computer and started fixing my depression and anxiety.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A 37-year-old Reddit user, FoxBortFive, took control of his depression and anxiety with a combination of calorie counting and calisthenics. He managed to lose 27lbs, from 191lbs to 164lbs, and transformed his life.

Transforming One Thread Spreads to Others

FoxBortFive explains how pulling on one thread, in this case fitness and diet, has an impact on all the other threads of well-being. Losing weight gives you motivation to try all sorts of other things too. He began working through a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) course, meditating, and became more mindful.

The Importance of Calisthenics and CICO

FoxBortFive also adopted calisthenics and calorie counting (CICO), which proved essential to his weight loss journey. He found exercising helped him manage his stress levels and boost his mental and physical health. Calorie counting helped him achieve a calorie deficit, which enabled him to lose weight.

Recommendations for Mental Health and Physical Fitness

FoxBortFive recommends a 20-minute Vipassana meditation consistently for 1.5 years that helped him change the way he thought and related to stress. FoxBortFive also signed up for a simplified cognitive behavior therapy course, the "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dummies," book. He also recommends adopting calisthenics and CICO to jump-start a weight loss journey.


Taking control of your mental health can be just as important as taking control of your physical health. FoxBortFive's transformation demonstrates the importance of seeking help, trying different techniques, and experimenting until you find the right combination that works for you. If you're struggling with depression or anxiety, or simply want to adopt a healthier lifestyle, there are many resources and communities available. Try things out for yourselves and see the difference it can make to your life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.