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24 Year Old Loses 15 Pounds in 3 Weeks Through Gym and Home Workouts

After months of home workouts followed by 3 weeks in the gym, a Reddit user's weight dropped from 195 to 180 lbs. Read on for their journey and insights.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 195 pounds to 180 pounds. A net loss of 15 pounds.
M/24/6’0 [195lbs>180lbs=15lbs] excuse the awkward selfies, but first pic is from 2 years ago, the second is from today. Been going to the gym for 3 weeks after a couple months of home workouts. Hoping other people notice subtle differences, because for me it depends on the day lol
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey

The user, thucydidestrap726, posted two pictures on Reddit - one from 2 years ago and one from the current day. The difference was striking, with a significant weight loss of 15 pounds. According to the user, the journey started with home workouts that ultimately paved the way for gym time. Though the progress might not always seem noticeable, as the user mentioned, the results can be seen through photographs and comparisons.

The Regimen

The user’s regimen includes home workouts followed by sessions at the gym. At home, the user practiced jumping jacks, squats, and sit-ups. The gym workouts consisted of focused lifts and intense cardio workouts. The user did not elaborate if they worked out alone or with a trainer, but it is evident that regular exercise benefits one's health in both traditional and non-traditional settings.

The Benefits

Taking time out of your daily routine to engage in physical activity is incredibly important. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise improves mood, promotes weight loss, and combats health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. The user's story is a great reminder that achieving one’s fitness goals takes consistency and patience. After only three weeks in the gym, the user was able to see significant results. This could inspire others to take steps towards achieving their own fitness goals.

The Takeaway

The case of this Reddit user proves that regular exercise yields positive results. Whether one works out in a gym, at home or outdoors, exercise is integral to achieving and maintaining good health. Regular exercise has numerous physical and mental health benefits. If you’re looking to start a fitness regimen, keep in mind that consistency is key. With time and effort, results will follow.


The Reddit user, thucydidestrap726, has demonstrated that achieving a fitness goal takes determination and consistency. It takes time for the human body to change, but the benefits of maintaining a regular regimen can be transformative. Engaging in exercise can not only improve physical health but can also have numerous health benefits, including a better mood and combating vulnerability to chronic diseases. The user's story shows that one should stick to their fitness goals and maintain the discipline necessary for achieving them, whether working out at a gym, outdoors or at home.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.