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F/30/5'2” [230 Lbs>210 Lbs=20 Lbs] (2 Months) Proud of Face Gains, Reddit User Reports

Reddit user, shorty_courty, reports 20 lbs weight loss in 2 months resulting in face gains, smiles and radiant aura. Find out her inspirational journey!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'2" female showing a weight loss from 230 pounds to 210 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
F/30/5’2” [230 lbs>210 lbs=20 lbs] (2 months) First time posting. I’m so proud of my face gains! This sub has helped me stay motivated—thank you! 80 lbs to go!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Inspiration Behind Reddit User's Weight Loss Success

Shorty_courty reports that the weight loss journey has been inspired by the desire to achieve a short-term goal. Shorty_courty shares that eating between 1200-1500 calories per day, paying attention to the food, and learning about health through Google have contributed to the success.

Positive Self-affirmation Helps with Weight Loss

Shorty_courty reports that she's feeling more positive, confident, and happy with life. Exercise makes her feel better, and her mood has significantly improved. Positive outcome reinforcement is imperative in achieving such goals.

Small Changes to One's Lifestyle Makes a Huge Difference

Walking more or avoiding refined carbs, processed foods, and alcohol consumption, for instance, can create a caloric deficit that can aid in shedding the weight. Small changes in the diet can go a long way in fighting obesity.

Importance of Self-Love and Healthy Body Image

Shorty_courty loves her chubby cheeks and bone structures, and the weight loss journey did not include hating her body. Self-love is healthy and necessary in achieving success, and a positive body image is a sign of a healthy mind and body.

Success Inspires More People

Shorty_courty reports that weight loss success has also inspired people around her, and she hopes more people can believe in their capacity to make little changes in their weight loss journey. The progress shorty_courty has made, including life-changing face gains, is proof that it can be done!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.