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How Focusing on Mental Health Can Help with Weight Loss: a Reddit User’s Journey

A Reddit user shares their weight loss journey and the role mental health played in their success. Learn about their approach to diet and exercise, and the importance of prioritizing mental health in achieving physical goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'1" man showing a fat loss from 285 pounds to 195 pounds. A net loss of 90 pounds.
M/33/6’1’’ [285lbs > 195lbs = 90lbs] God it sounds so cliché, but it really all starts and ends with the work you put into your mental health.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


In a Reddit post, a user named GraveDohl shared their weight loss success story, which includes dropping 90 pounds through a combination of diet and exercise. Yet, the user attributes much of their success to the work they did on their mental health. As GraveDohl explains, putting a focus on mental health can make all the difference when striving for physical goals.

Prioritizing Mental Health

GraveDohl began bi-weekly therapy sessions well before starting their weight loss journey. The user shared how vital these sessions were in helping them to see the worth and value of living a life full of passion. They also found that improving their mental health allowed their body to follow suit. For GraveDohl, putting the work into their mental health was the first step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Diet and Exercise

GraveDohl’s approach to diet and exercise was focused on moderation and sustainable habits. The user started by limiting their processed food intake and eating earlier in the day. They also began working out, lifting light weights for high reps, and focusing on getting in frequent steps. Additionally, the user is currently training for a marathon with a goal of finding enjoyable and sustainable ways to incorporate physical activity into daily life.

Mental and Physical Health Connection

Through their weight loss journey, GraveDohl learned to recognize their relationship with overeating and how it related to their mental health. They found that a feeling of apathy or numbness often led to binge eating, which was their way of creating an opposite feeling. As they continued to work on their mental health, they found new techniques for finding passion and purpose in their life, and overeating became less necessary.


GraveDohl’s journey is proof that focusing on mental health can make a world of difference in achieving physical goals. By prioritizing their mental health, the user was able to create sustainable habits and find new ways to enjoy physical activity. Their journey also highlights the importance of recognizing how mental and physical health are connected. Every person’s journey looks different, but prioritizing mental health can be a helpful step towards creating a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.