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Celebrating Weight Loss Success: User Shares 61Lbs Journey to Normal Bmi Category

Join the journey to healthy weight loss as our user shares tips and experience from her journey from being overweight to being in the normal BMI category

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'8" woman showing a fat loss from 225 pounds to 164 pounds. A total loss of 61 pounds.
F/27/5’8” [225lbs>164lbs=61lbs] First time in my adult life being in the ‘normal’ BMI category! Sharing celebratory face gains today!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user, Breariadne10, shares her months-long journey to healthy weight loss that resulted in a 61lbs difference. She expressed excitement for the shred of doubt and accomplishment that comes with being in the 'normal' BMI category for the very first time.

Celebrating progress

Breariadne10 shared pictures of her face gains and her incredible transformation, which has garnered 1709 upvotes and numerous comments congratulating her achievement. The journey started when Breariadne10 began to notice her weight was impacting her activities and overall health negatively. She knew it was time to set a goal and start her journey to healthy weight loss.

Tips for healthy weight loss

Breariadne10 says making healthier choices was easier after shedding some pounds. She found it essential to avoid snacking unnecessarily and adequately portion out her meals for better control. Invisalign, brushing after every meal, helped her reduce unnecessary snacking, and she adds that it's been a significant contributor to her healthy weight loss journey.

Benefits of healthy weight loss

Aside from the physical transformation, Breariadne10 noticed a considerable improvement in how she felt. The small things, such as no longer feeling chilly in the office, being able to see her feet when in the shower, and feeling good about herself, made her more confident, stating that she now thinks 'wow I look nice today!' opposed to self-loathing comments.


While congratulating Breariadne10 on her hard work and incredible transformation, it's essential to note that healthy weight loss means making sustainable changes as needed for each individual's body. Achieving your desired goal is possible with patience, dedication, and a proactive attitude in making healthier choices, and we encourage you to try it out for yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.