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A 50 Lb Weight Journey: Crossfit and Lifting on the Road

Discover the 9-month weight journey of a Reddit user who went from 220lbs to 170lbs using CrossFit and working out as a truck driver. Learn how he persisted after his relationship ended.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 220 pounds to 170 pounds. A respectable loss of 50 pounds.
M/36/5’11”[220lbs>170=50lbs] 9 month journeyz. Now 6 months post relationship ending. CrossFit, and lifting on the road as a truck driver.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging and emotional journey, but it does not have to be. One Reddit user, [deleted], shared his inspiring weight loss journey with the world. Through his post, he shares insight into his 9-month journey from 220lbs to 170lbs, which included using CrossFit and working out as a truck driver.

Breaking Bad Habits

The first step [deleted] took was breaking his bad habits around food. He realized that he was overeating and eating unhealthy foods while on the road as a truck driver. He started to prioritize planning his meals, packing healthy snacks and meals ahead of time, and cooking his own meals on the road. He also cut back on his alcohol intake.

Sticking to a Routine

Consistency played a significant role in [deleted]'s successful weight loss journey. He made a point to prioritize his workouts, even when he was traveling for work. This involved seeking out local gyms or doing CrossFit workouts on the road. He made sure to stick to his workout routine and tracked his progress weekly. He credits his habit of planning out his weekly workout schedule as being key to his success.

Mind Over Matter

Maintaining a positive mental attitude during a weight loss journey is crucial, and [deleted] emphasized this throughout his post. After his relationship ended six months into his journey, he found it challenging to stay motivated. However, he learned to shift his focus onto his own personal health goals and stuck to his routine. He also found that connecting with others in the CrossFit community and building a support system helped him stay accountable.

Finding What Works For You

Everyone's weight loss journey is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. [deleted] found what worked best for him through trial and error, and he encourages others to do the same. Experimenting with different diets, workouts, and routines can help people discover what works best for them. His post serves as a reminder that with determination and a willingness to experiment, anyone can lose weight and improve their health and wellness.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.