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Female's Journey to Cutting Weight an Inspiring Story

Read about GanamoR's weight loss journey on Reddit. This female individual lost 20 lbs through proper diet and an effective exercise plan.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a snapshot of 138 pounds at a height of 5'6
A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a snapshot of 138 pounds at a height of 5'6
A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a snapshot of 138 pounds at a height of 5'6
Introduction: Cutting/Female/24/5’6”/138lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


GanamoR, a 24-year-old female, posted an introduction about her weight loss journey on Reddit, sharing her success story with over 7k community members. She started her journey at 158 lbs with a strong desire to cut down her weight and improve her overall health. Through sheer dedication, diet, and exercise, she was able to lose 20 lbs in six months. Her post shows how tracking progress and staying motivated can help achieve weight loss goals.

Diet in the Journey

GanamoR's diet became a significant part of her weight loss journey. She mostly consumed gluten-free, low-carb, and protein-rich meals, such as salads and grilled chicken. Her calorie intake remained around 1200 per day. She also avoided processed foods and sugary drinks. Many Reddit members congratulated her on her discipline to adhere to a healthy diet, which is crucial for effective weight management.

Exercise in the Journey

Complementing her diet was an effective exercise plan that aided her weight loss journey. GanamoR followed a strength-training regimen and cardio activities such as HIIT, Zumba, and cycling. She curated a workout schedule and worked out for 45 to 60 minutes per day in addition to walking up to 10,000 steps daily, which immensely benefited her weight cut.

Journey's Impact on Mental Health

GanamoR's weight loss journey not only improved her physical health but also had a positive impact on her mental health. She shared experiencing increased energy levels, better self-esteem, and better mood. Her improvements inspired and motivated other Reddit members and shows how significance of adopting healthy practices for comprehensive wellbeing.


GanamoR's story shows how consistency, patience, and discipline can lead to a successful weight loss journey. Her story is an inspiration for anyone who is looking to improve their health through diet and exercise. Her post concludes with gratitude towards the Reddit community for their constant support and encouragement.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.