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Female's Dramatic Cut: From 144Lbs to Her Desired Weight

Read about naotalba's weight loss journey from her Reddit post. She describes her process, fitness regimen, and diet preferences.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a snapshot of 144 pounds at a height of 5'4
A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a snapshot of 144 pounds at a height of 5'4
A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a snapshot of 144 pounds at a height of 5'4
A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a snapshot of 144 pounds at a height of 5'4
Introduction: Cutting/Female/39/5’4”/144lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Naotalba, a 39-year-old female with a height of 5'4'', posted on Reddit about her journey on cutting weight. Her post gained six upvotes and has no comments. In the post, she shares her starting weight of 144lbs and her desire to reach her target weight. She also mentions that her goal was not just about physical appearance, but also overall health and well-being.

Fitness Regimen

Naotalba's post reveals that she has a passion for weightlifting, as it helps her feel confident and empowered. In addition to weightlifting, she also incorporates cardio and other forms of exercise into her routine. She advocates that variation in workout keeps the body from getting accustomed to one type of movement, thereby making exercise sustainable and enjoyable.

Diet Preferences

Naotalba shares that she does not believe in strict dieting or depriving oneself of delicious foods. Instead, she focuses on selecting healthy and unprocessed foods for her meals while still allowing herself to indulge in treats occasionally. She also emphasizes the importance of not being too hard on oneself and finding a diet that works for one's lifestyle.

Overall Process

Throughout her weight loss journey, Naotalba maintains that the process has not always been linear. She reminds readers that progress takes time and one should celebrate every small win. She also speaks of the importance of viewing setbacks as opportunities to learn and adapt, rather than failures to be ashamed of.


Naotalba's Reddit post provides insight into a weight loss journey that emphasizes balance, self-compassion, and perseverance over strict regimens or diets. Her approach is refreshing and shows that personalizing one's fitness and diet plan is a key component in achieving sustainable weight loss. Inspired by her story, anyone can try out new exercise routines and diets to find what works well for them.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.