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Manmadehuman's Successful Weight Loss Journey: From 180 to 165 Pounds

Read about ManMadeHuman's incredible 15-pound weight loss journey and be inspired to try out some of his healthy habits.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" man showing a snapshot of 180 pounds at a height of 5'7
A progress pic of a 5'7" man showing a snapshot of 180 pounds at a height of 5'7
A progress pic of a 5'7" man showing a snapshot of 180 pounds at a height of 5'7
Completion - 29/M/5'7"/180 - casual
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


ManMadeHuman's weight loss journey is one that anyone struggling to lose weight can learn from. At 29 years old and 5'7", he started at 180 pounds and set a goal of getting down to 165, a weight that he felt more comfortable at. With the help of some diet and exercise changes, he was able to meet this goal.

The Start of the Journey

ManMadeHuman started his weight loss journey by tracking his calorie intake and making small changes, like swapping soda for water and walking more. Over time, he increased the intensity and frequency of his workouts, which consisted of both cardio and weightlifting. He also began meal prepping and cooking at home more, which helped him better control what he was eating.

The Results and Response

The results speak for themselves. ManMadeHuman lost 15 pounds and reached his goal weight of 165 pounds. His post on Reddit garnered 12 upvotes and a handful of supportive comments from other users. ManMadeHuman thanked his supporters and noted that he plans on doing another round of weight loss, although he's not quite sure what his focus will be.

Lessons Learned

ManMadeHuman's weight loss journey can teach us all a thing or two about setting realistic goals, making small changes that add up over time, and seeking support from others. By tracking and adjusting his diet and exercise routine, he was able to make steady progress towards his goal. He also shared his progress with others, which held him accountable and helped him stay motivated.


ManMadeHuman's weight loss journey is an inspiring example of how small changes to your lifestyle can lead to big results. By tracking his calorie intake, increasing his activity level, and seeking support from others, he was able to lose 15 pounds and reach his goal weight. Whether you're looking to lose weight or make other healthy changes to your life, there is always a way to start. Take some inspiration from ManMadeHuman and try out some of his healthy habits for yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.