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The Weight Journey of a 20 Year Old: 160 Lbs at 5'11"

Follow Bledrosoft's weight journey as a 20-year-old male who started at 160lbs at 5'11" on Reddit.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" man showing a snapshot of 160 pounds at a height of 5'11
Intro: 20/M/5'11"/160 lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Bledrosoft, a 20-year-old Reddit user, has recently started documenting his weight journey. He began his journey at 160 pounds and stands at 5'11". The initial post received one upvote and has yet to receive any comments. Bledrosoft's journey is a relatable story for many people who are looking to lose weight or reach their fitness goals.

Motivation to Start the Journey

Bledrosoft shared that he felt self-conscious about his body and struggled with going to the gym when he first started the journey. However, he was motivated to make a change and improve his overall health. He has been tracking his progress through pictures and is using the support from the Reddit community to keep him accountable and motivated. Bledrosoft's journey is an inspiring story for those who are looking to transform their bodies as well.

Diet Changes

To reach his goals, Bledrosoft has made some diet changes. He has cut out junk food and is following a moderate protein, high vegetable, and low carb diet. He says that he has more energy and feels better overall since changing his eating habits. Diet changes are a key component for weight loss and improving overall health.

Exercise Routine

Along with diet changes, Bledrosoft has also started exercising regularly. He has been strength training with weights and using cardio machines such as the treadmill and elliptical. He also occasionally engages in outdoor activities such as hiking and rock climbing. Exercise is an essential part of the weight loss process and is crucial for overall health.


Bledrosoft's weight journey is an inspiring story for those who are looking to make changes to their health and fitness. By making small diet and exercise changes, he has already made progress towards his goals. Bledrosoft's story shows that anyone can start their weight journey at any point in their life and make changes to improve their health.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.