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A Journey From 210Lbs to 189Lbs: Axthec's 2015 Summer Cut Progress

Follow Axthec's weight loss journey from 210lbs to 189lbs in just 4 months, as displayed through his Reddit post history.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 189 pounds. A respectable loss of 21 pounds.
M/26/5'11" [210lbs > 189 lbs = 21lbs] (4 months) 2015 summer cut progress
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


In his Reddit post history, Axthec shares his weight loss journey from 210lbs to 189lbs, which he achieved through a summer cut. With no fad diets or gimmicks involved, Axthec simply made a few lifestyle changes in order to lose weight.

Starting Point

At 210lbs, Axthec decided he wanted to lose some weight and become healthier. He started by cutting back on junk food, increasing his water intake, and going for daily walks. Soon after, he started to incorporate weight training and cycling into his routine.


Over the course of 4 months, Axthec lost a total of 21lbs, bringing his weight down to 189lbs. Throughout his journey, he continued to make small adjustments to his diet and exercise routine, including increasing his protein intake and incorporating HIIT workouts.


Not only did Axthec experience physical changes, such as increased muscle definition and fat loss, but he also noticed improvements in his mental health and overall well-being. He reported feeling more energized, less stressed, and more confident in himself.


Axthec's weight loss journey serves as a reminder that losing weight doesn't have to involve drastic measures or quick fixes. Making small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle, such as increasing water intake and incorporating exercise, can lead to long-term success. It's important to remember that every body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it's important to listen to your body and find what works best for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.